Search Results for: things+

Digital Commerce as a profitability driver

How brands and companies can optimize digital commerce to increase efficiency, improve customer centricity and drive growth Global digital commerce is expected to double by 2026, making up to 25% of the total global retail sales. But what happens to profitability when features like express delivery, long-tail product assortments, and returns are churning the margins? All […]

Unlocking revenue potential of digital commerce

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is typically one of the primary drivers when improving performance in digital commerce. However, that’s not everything there is: everything affects conversion, but there needs to be much more than just that to unlock the full potential that lies in the world of online sales. We think the best way to […]

Why is digital commerce broken, and how should it be fixed?

We started our journey as Costa Commerce because we felt that something had to be done. If you have read our manifesto, you already know that we see that there’s lots to do when it comes to improving the state and productivity of digital commerce. I wanted to write down some notes on what’s broken, and […]

“Vain bisnekset, jotka hoitavat sosiaalisen vastuunkannon hyvin, tulevat menestymään.” – Mikä saa sinut liekehtimään, Liisa Holma?

Bonfiren henkilötarinasarja esittelee pintaa syvemmältä Bonfiren bisnesvaikuttajia. Kuinka he ovat päätyneet omalle toimialalleen ja minkälaiset arvot ajavat heitä eteenpäin. Q&A-artikkeli antaa osviittaa heidän näkemyksistään, mutta syvemmälle pääset kuuntelemalla koko keskustelun podcastina. Tällä kertaa henkilötarinansa kertoo strategiakonsultti Liisa Holma. Liisa, miksi olet valinnut juuri oman toimialasi? Olen ollut aiemmin töissä Nokian strategiayksikössä, jossa monet kolleegani olivat […]